Comment 3 for bug 1868486

Revision history for this message
Andrew Johnson (anj) wrote :

> This issue has been present in all versions of epicsMessageQueue.

Correction: This is issue is present in all of the "default" implementations of osdMessageQueue. We don't know whether it's present in the VxWorks or RTEMS implementations, which are fundamentally different code.

Note: If anyone starts working on this, please do so on the 3.15 branch of Base which is where we'll want to commit any fixes.

I will unfortunately not able to run tests on VxWorks until Argonne moves back from its current min-safe operating condition as my office VxWorks systems are turned off and I'm not allowed into the lab to turn them on. It might be worthwhile to try runing Mark's test program on the RTEMS-qemu target if someone has the desire to do that (or to merge his code into epicsMessageQueueTest.cpp and run that if it's easier that way).