Comment 3 for bug 253285

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Matt Layman (mblayman) wrote :

GODLiKE, that's quite interesting. I had noticed the traceback from the main menu when I hit the left arrow, but I hadn't taken the time to report it. Could that possibly be the root of your problems? If you don't use the left arrow, then enter the other menus, do you still get the errors that you're reporting. Maybe the left arrow is affecting some menu state in a weird way.

Paul, in answer to your question on the now invalid bug that GODLiKE created, I have not encountered any of this weirdness during my UI refactoring, but the scope of that refactoring has focused on resolution indpendence. I'm wondering if the problem stems from not handling all user events properly. A lot of screens have custom user handling if statements. I think that the entire system for handling user events could be refactored to prevent weird errors from random key strokes. If we come up with some more generic way to handle events, we might be able to control spurious key presses. For example, none of the user event if/elif blocks have else statements to handle events that are not explicitly stated. This is obviously not good because we don't really have a clue as to what the system will do with those unhandled events.