Comment 29 for bug 685105

Revision history for this message
kaefert (kaefert) wrote :

How can I make enblend use the right TIFF library that will allow TIFF images bigger than 4GB? Or how can I make enblend tell the tiff library to use this BigTIFF format?

I've added a compressed logfile of my enblend error with verbose output to my "stuff" folder -->

The last debug lines before the memory error where:

enblend: info: loading next image: projectname0226.tif 1/1
enblend: info: assembled images bounding box: [(263273, 3602) to (266269, 7581) = (2996x3979)]
enblend: info: image cache statistics after loading white image
enblend: info: blackImage 0x14072f0: cache misses=0 blocks allocated=0 blocks required=4263
enblend: info: blackAlpha 0x1406ae0: cache misses=0 blocks allocated=0 blocks required=2132
enblend: info: whiteImage 0x1468c80: cache misses=15778 blocks allocated=0 blocks required=4263
enblend: info: whiteAlpha 0x1469fa0: cache misses=17569 blocks allocated=512 blocks required=2132
enblend: info: summary: cache misses=33347 blocks managed=512 allocated=512 free=0
enblend: info: image union bounding box: [(0, 0) to (266269, 8442) = (266269x8442)]
enblend: info: image intersection bounding box: [(263273, 3602) to (263952, 7581) = (679x3979)]
enblend: info: estimated space required for mask generation: 20231MB
enblend: info: creating blend mask: 1/3 2/3 3/3

infering from the output after loading picture nr. 255 and before that, the next lines should have been:

enblend: info: creating blend mask: 1/3 2/3 3/3
enblend: info: optimizing 1 distinct seam
enblend: info: strategy 1, s0:
enblend: info: t = 1.085e+05, eta = 6, k_max = 32, 157 of 296 points converged
enblend: info: t = 8.135e+04, eta = 6, k_max = 32, 157 of 296 points converged
enblend: info: t = 6.101e+04, eta = 6, k_max = 32, 157 of 296 points converged

Maybe some hugin / enblend developer can make some sense out of this information..