Comment 1 for bug 1630172

Revision history for this message
tmodes (tmodes) wrote :

First of all: in this case it is sufficient to work with downsized versions. Your files are very big (also the final jpeg have different size 7 vs 49 MB by identical image dimensions). Why such big images?
Second: For hdr images the response type should by linear and not EMor (When loading these image, hugin sets it automatically to linear)
Third: Your HDR images have different exposure levels (they are different bright, have a look at the hdr file itself). And the exposure values in the project file does not match them. (Maybe recreating the hdr images with the same base brightness helps. Then the correction in Hugin is not needed.)
Point 2 and 3 explain a big part of the issues with verdandi - so closing moving to enblend tracker.
But it does not explain the problems with enblend, which should better blend away the brightness differences