Comment 0 for bug 263115

Revision history for this message
pwrcycle (pwrcycle) wrote : no way to control the camera through keys only

17:09 < pwrcycle:#lounge>is there a way to control the camera without using the mouse button?
17:19 < erik:#lounge>pwrcycle: no, there's currently no way to affect the camera through keys only, but it shouldn't be hard to add such. Could you add that as a bug to the ember launchpad? ( )


Users should be able to control the camera independent of the mouse.

Example, my gaming configuration, a little different than traditional awsd,

f = forward
F = as run-lock
a = as backwards.
s = sidestep left
d = sidestep right
w = look left
e = look right

W = spin the camera view left
E = to spin the camera view left.
S = spin camera view down
D = spin camera view up

W,E,S, & D all correspond to the character movement keys, using shift to signify it's the camera I want to move.

q = target nearest NPC
z = target nearest PC