Comment 0 for bug 995180

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jibweb (jibweb) wrote : compiz issue, screen become partly black

Installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a Virtualbox machine with Virtualbox Add-ons installed
I add the elementary OS daily PPA and installed elementary-desktop package and then rebooted.
Since then every time I log in with Pantheon, I get the desktop but some parts of the screen turns into black, it flickers sometimes and compiz even crashed ! Every other app seems to work properly but I can't use them because they're hidden by these black rectangle ( they also become partly replaced by some pieces of the software: instead of an entirely black rectangle, it shows a black rectangle with a button drawn on it or things like that !

I don't know if it's really relevant but the computer on which I launched Virtualbox is running Ubuntu 12.04 and has an ATI card that I had issues with in the past ...

Good luck to you if it's a real bug and not something I provoked without knowing it !!