Comment 2 for bug 1606052

Revision history for this message
Danielle Foré (danrabbit) wrote :

Some prior art...

**Android says:**

Allow Foo to Access This Device's Location


**iOS says:**

"Foo" Would Like to Use Your Current Location

"Don't Allow"


I think I personally like the way Android words it more for the following reasons:

* The language is more accurate. You're granting permission to use the location of this device, not of yourself. I think this is important because it means we're not granting access for every device the user owns. This may not mean much now, but in a world where you theoretically have many devices running elementary OS or tied to an elementary cloud account you might want some clarity that you're only granting access per device.

* It doesn't use the word "You". Always a chance for translation error with "You".

* OK is not Okay. Explicit "Allow" and "Deny" makes things more clear.