Comment 0 for bug 1437089

Revision history for this message
Djax (parnold-x) wrote :

Till now the tab titles in terminal are just a repetition of the prompt.
The aim of this bug is to provide tab titles in the form "(last segment of the path): (last executed cmd)"
While executing a process like e.g. top the cmd name is printed in the form "cmd" in the title.

To achive this afaik the only way for bash is to do it with a trap DEBUG.
To not hijack the debug trap from the user the linked branch uses this script:
It adds preexec and precmd to bash just like in Zsh. So the user can hook as much own function as he wants.
It doesn't override already set PROMPT_COMMAND so the actual notification hook still persists.

The scripts must be source at the end of the bashrc:
if [ -f ~/.bash_preexec ]; then
    # preexec and precmd hook functions for Bash
    # If you have anything that's using the Debug Trap, change it to use
    # preexec. See also
    . ~/.bash_preexec
    # set bash titles for elementary OS
    . ~/.bash_titles

this must be comment out in the now shipped bashrc in order to get the bash_titles to work:

# keep commented out when using .bash_titles
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case "$TERM" in
# PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"
# ;;
# ;;