Comment 0 for bug 1052152

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yeKcim (yekcim) wrote :

No way to display icons on desktop is stupid.

I've got a big screen in fullHD and i can't display anything on a HUGE part of the screen. A panel on top, a dock at bottom, hot corners, NOTHING ELSE than a picture in the middle (a really BIG middle). I can't understand!!!!

I know that some people said that's to not be distract from applications, so why can i display a picture???

I use (and I'm not the only one) the desktop to display WIP and that's the only way i found to remind easily what i've got to do now.

I love elementaryOS, really, i love it, but that's a really bad idea! I can't understand.

An answer with this comment is here : and because there is no solution: that's a bug.