Comment 9 for bug 69878

Revision history for this message
Albin Tonnerre (lutin) wrote :

Hello, thanks for your report

/*offtopic, do not reply in this bugreport*/
Please next time split bugs and apps suggests as they aren't related at all.
For your mouse issue, it's most likely an issue with your settings as it's ok for me, you should check your mouse config (2-lines scrolling might be the cause)
/*Closes offtopic*/

For the apps ou suggested, remember that ebuntu is 100% based on ubuntu and AFAIK, no package has been removed (except the gnome pkges and maybe nautilus), so synaptic and gaim are already in there ;) (and maybe xchat as well)
note: I personnaly love GTK. we didn't remove gnome to put QT-based apps, so i doubt we'll provide amarok by default; But remeber you can install any software on the ubuntu repos using apt or synaptic
about elpanel: I'm not a dev, neither is Sp4rKy, so it might not exist for a while

The other things you're talking about are artwork and configuration concerns and I won't discuss them here (art should have its dedicated thread and this is not the place for config questions)

Thanks fro your report ;)