Comment 1 for bug 50639

Revision history for this message
Venkat Raghavan (venkatraghavan) wrote :

Adding relevant discussion for research:

07:42 < gdb> I had suggested earlier simply dropping the easyubuntu changes in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/easyubuntu.list.

07:45 < gdb> Yes, it's a directory included (perhaps new in Dapper) that allows you to create "additions" to the sources.list in separate files that end in the extension .list. The idea is that a package or administrator can leave the system default unchanged and add new respositories in that directory. For example, I also use FreeNX and have an /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freenx.list file that contains respositories for just that software. The idea for easyubuntu woul
07:45 < gdb> deb universe multiverse
07:45 < gdb> deb dapper free non-free
07:45 < gdb> And only that, along with any relavent comments.
07:46 < gdb> Actually, the deb-src lines may need to be included as well, not sure if sources are provided for universe, multiverse, and freecontrib content.