Comment 44 for bug 262679

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Sebastian Mares (smares) wrote :

On my 1005HGO (1005HAG with UMTS modem) running Xubuntu 10.10, the following keys work:

Volume up (F12), Volume down (F11), Mute (F10), Brightness up (F6), Brightness down (F5) and Sleep (F1).

The following keys do not work:

Display off (F7), Mousepad off (F3), WLAN off (F2) and the non-keyboard button for turning off the mousepad.

Since I don't have an external display to test, I cannot tell if the Switch dsplay (F8) key works. I also don't know what exactly the F4 key does. Its icon is a rectangle with rounded corners and inside there are four arrows pointing outwards to the edges - reminds me of a full-screen key or something. I also cannot test the F9 key that opens the task manager under Windows because I don't have any graphical task manager installed.

By the way, all Fn keys that don't trigger "special" actions, such as Home, End, Page up, Page down, Num lock, etc. work fine.