Comment 5 for bug 881070

Revision history for this message
Henrique Carvalho Alves (hcarvalhoalves) wrote :

I can upload correctly, but restoring actually gives me an error.


Found 0 secondary backup chains.

Found primary backup chain with matching signature chain:
Chain start time: Mon Nov 7 15:50:12 2011
Chain end time: Mon Nov 7 15:50:12 2011
Number of contained backup sets: 1
Total number of contained volumes: 0
Tipo de conjunto de cópia de segurança Time: Número de volumes:
Also found 0 backup sets not part of any chain,
and 5 incomplete backup sets.
These may be deleted by running duplicity with the "cleanup" command.
Removing still remembered temporary file /var/folders/k1/fctx1v3x5xbgkcslg16kl5tm0000gn/T/duplicity-jfP864-tempdir/mkstemp-WqXgD5-1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./duplicity-bin", line 1347, in <module>
  File "./duplicity-bin", line 1330, in with_tempdir
  File "./duplicity-bin", line 1264, in main
  File "./duplicity-bin", line 591, in restore
  File "/Users/hcalves/Projetos/duplicity/duplicity/", line 522, in Write_ROPaths
    for ropath in rop_iter:
  File "/Users/hcalves/Projetos/duplicity/duplicity/", line 494, in integrate_patch_iters
    for patch_seq in collated:
  File "/Users/hcalves/Projetos/duplicity/duplicity/", line 379, in yield_tuples
    setrorps( overflow, elems )
  File "/Users/hcalves/Projetos/duplicity/duplicity/", line 368, in setrorps
    elems[i] = iter_list[i].next()
  File "/Users/hcalves/Projetos/duplicity/duplicity/", line 112, in difftar2path_iter
    tarinfo_list = []
  File "/Users/hcalves/Projetos/duplicity/duplicity/", line 329, in next
  File "/Users/hcalves/Projetos/duplicity/duplicity/", line 323, in set_tarfile
    self.current_fp =
  File "./duplicity-bin", line 627, in get_fileobj_iter
KeyError: 1