Comment 24 for bug 487720

Revision history for this message
Tom Helner (duffman) wrote :

I have found that after getting this SHA1 hash mismatch error adding "--restore-time <any_timestamp>" to my command results in a successful recovery. It makes no difference if the restore-time is correct or not.

$ duplicity restore --file-to-restore duplicity_backup/test_file scp://<USER>@<BACKUP_HOST>//home/backup /tmp/test_file
Errors out with:
Invalid data - SHA1 hash mismatch:
Calculated hash: 2baf388b6e2e783a8c4321cdfbd2b0224f523790
Manifest hash: b12b24b7d87f51f681672abc2f1dc003b4fa2b55

But both of these commands work:
$ duplicity restore --file-to-restore duplicity_backup/test_file --restore-time 2010/06/16 scp://<USER>@<BACKUP_HOST>//home/backup /tmp/test_file
$ duplicity restore --file-to-restore duplicity_backup/test_file --restore-time 2000/01/01 scp://<USER>@<BACKUP_HOST>//home/backup /tmp/test_file

This is with duplicity 0.6.08b on Ubuntu 10.04