Comment 4 for bug 1950056

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tellapu (tellapu) wrote (last edit ):

Thanks for the quick feedback!
Sorry I am just a regular user not a developer.

> OK, this is the wrong log file.

Sorry about that but this is the log file I get when execute this command in the terminal:
DEJA_DUP_DEBUG=1 deja-dup --restore file-to-path/file.txt &> debug.log

> Did you update deja-dup at the same time? Try that.

What do you mean with that? Update the backup? Update the app deja-dup through a PPA? If yes, which one? I updated duplicity with the PPA as mentioned above.

> Is the path to the file quoted? It should be if it contains spaces.

Thanks for the tip! I did following command:
DEJA_DUP_DEBUG=1 deja-dup --restore "file-to-path/file.txt" &> debug.log
And get the similar debug.log as sent previously.

> Can you run this without deja-dup, just as a duplicity command?

Do you mean:
DEJA_DUP_DEBUG=1 deja-dup --restore "file-to-path/file.txt" &> debug.log

I did this and the attached log is what was generated. It mentions:
"duplicity: error: Bad time string"
I just thought whether the time change from summer to winter time recently could cause a problem ... The backup was created before the change.
Update: But looking again at the error, the error is probably caused by the wrong command, a date might be needed in the command ...