Comment 3 for bug 1291633

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EliCoten (launchpad-elicoten) wrote :

Another workaround which I found useful after Googling this topic is WonderShaper
The advantage of WonderShaper over trickle is that it can adjust bandwidth limiting on the fly, which is particularly useful for a backup that takes days to complete; during the daytime when other users want to use the network you can apply throttling and then at night you can unthrottle it without interrupting Duplicity.

With trickle, if I'm not mistaken you'd have to stop Duplicity and then start it again with/without trickle to change it which causes Duplicity to start the backup again (although incremental mode can somewhat compensate for this, nevertheless its not ideal).

I was encountering a problem that whilst Duplicity unintentionally causing Denial of Service to all other users on the local network due to unintentionally swallowing all the network bandwidth. Further background: