Comment 1 for bug 1122066

Revision history for this message
Marcello Bassani (marcellobassani) wrote :

Backup location /home/mb/.cache/deja-dup/tmp/duplicity-KluPYb-tempdir/mktemp-MMw7qd-17 does not exist.

- happened several times in Vivid Vervet 15.04 since ???

- changing permissions as follows: gkusudo nautilus ... right-click /.cache/deja-dup/tmp ... on second (permissions) tab: group read-only----> read-write /// the same with the recently changed folder in /.cache/deja-dup (next to tmp) XXXXXXXXXX right-click---> group ==> read-write

- backup running for the first time since ??? (a long time) to external backup drive

- will now everyone read my backups via network?? :-/ no idea if security leak or not.

btw: I deleted the other XXXXXXXXXX -folders in /.cache/deja-dup due to lack of space