Comment 0 for bug 263023

Revision history for this message
E_zombie (lv77) wrote :

[19:51:59] <DSHub> [command:] !kick share>0
and 300+ user kicked from hub.
But 300+ users not kicked.

[19:52:44] <DSHub> Death Squad Hub. Version DSHub Iota.
  Running on SunOS Version 5.10 on Architecture sparc
  Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_07 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
  Java Virtual Machine 1.0
  Available CPU's to JVM 2
  Available Memory to JVM: 957743104 Bytes, where free: 439190600 Bytes
Hub Statistics:
  Online users: 337
  Connecting users: 0
  Uptime: #1w#20h#47m#45s#669.
  Bytes read per second: 2597.6897689768975
  Bytes written per second: 37357.755775577556

[17:40:17] <DSHub> [command:] !stats
- [17:40:17] <DSHub> Death Squad Hub. Version DSHub Iota.
  Running on SunOS Version 5.10 on Architecture sparc
  Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_07 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
  Java Virtual Machine 1.0
  Available CPU's to JVM 2
  Available Memory to JVM: 957743104 Bytes, where free: 123861208 Bytes
Hub Statistics:
  Online users: 816
  Connecting users: 0
  Uptime: #1w#18h#35m#7s#928.
  Bytes read per second: 5753.7953795379535
  Bytes written per second: 180138.61386138614