Comment 5 for bug 578842

Revision history for this message
Stewart Smith (stewart) wrote :


in row_sel_sec_rec_is_for_blob():
Returns TRUE if the user-defined column in a secondary index record
is alphabetically the same as the corresponding BLOB column in the clustered
index record.
NOTE: the comparison is NOT done as a binary comparison, but character
fields are compared with collation!
@return TRUE if the columns are equal */

btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix() call using buffer thati s DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN (on stack)

in row0mysql.c:
in row_create_index_for_mysql()

prefix_len and actual length < DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN

in page0zip.c:
in page_zip_fields_encode():
   /* fixed-length non-nullable field */

   if (fixed_sum && UNIV_UNLIKELY
       (fixed_sum + field->fixed_len
        > DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN)) {
    /* Write out the length of the
    preceding non-nullable fields,
    to avoid exceeding the maximum
    length of a fixed-length column. */
    buf = page_zip_fixed_field_encode(
     buf, fixed_sum << 1 | 1);
    fixed_sum = 0;

in dict0mem.h:
** @brief DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN is measured in bytes and is the maximum
indexed column length (or indexed prefix length).

It is set to 3*256, so that one can create a column prefix index on
256 characters of a TEXT or VARCHAR column also in the UTF-8
charset. In that charset, a character may take at most 3 bytes. This
constant MUST NOT BE CHANGED, or the compatibility of InnoDB data
files would be at risk! */

** Data structure for a field in an index */
struct dict_field_struct{
 dict_col_t* col; /*!< pointer to the table column */
 const char* name; /*!< name of the column */
 unsigned prefix_len:10; /*!< 0 or the length of the column
     prefix in bytes in a MySQL index of
     type, e.g., INDEX (textcol(25));
     must be smaller than
     in the UTF-8 charset, MySQL sets this
     to 3 * the prefix len in UTF-8 chars */
 unsigned fixed_len:10; /*!< 0 or the fixed length of the
     column if smaller than

Of course 2**10 = 1024. That seems to be the limit here. dict_field_t (typedef of this struct) is used relatively heavily around the place, so auditing its usage would be more work.

InnobaseEngine::max_supported_key_part_length() const
  return(DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN - 1);

in dict_index_add_col():
 /* Long fixed-length fields that need external storage are treated as
 variable-length fields, so that the extern flag can be embedded in
 the length word. */
 if (field->fixed_len > DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN) {
  field->fixed_len = 0;
 /* The comparison limit above must be constant. If it were
 changed, the disk format of some fixed-length columns would
 change, which would be a disaster. */
# error "DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN != 1024"

in dtuple_convert_big_rec():
Moves parts of long fields in entry to the big record vector so that
the size of tuple drops below the maximum record size allowed in the
database. Moves data only from those fields which are not necessary
to determine uniquely the insertion place of the tuple in the index.
@return own: created big record vector, NULL if we are not able to
shorten the entry enough, i.e., if there are too many fixed-length or
short fields in entry or the index is clustered */

 if (dict_table_get_format(index->table) < DICT_TF_FORMAT_ZIP) {
  /* up to MySQL 5.1: store a 768-byte prefix locally */
 } else {
  /* new-format table: do not store any BLOB prefix locally */

Puts back to entry the data stored in vector. Note that to ensure the
fields in entry can accommodate the data, vector must have been created
from entry with dtuple_convert_big_rec. */
 for (; b < end; b++) {
  dfield_t* dfield;
  ulint local_len;

  dfield = dtuple_get_nth_field(entry, b->field_no);
  local_len = dfield_get_len(dfield);

  ut_ad(local_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);


  ut_ad(local_len <= DICT_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN);

    (char*) b->data - local_len,
    b->len + local_len);

in trx0rec.c:
/*Reads from an undo log record a stored column value.
@return remaining part of undo log record after reading these values */
static byte* trx_undo_rec_get_col_val()


  ut_ad(*orig_len >= BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE);
  ut_ad(*len > *orig_len);
  ut_ad(*len >= REC_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN

Fetch a prefix of an externally stored column, for writing to the undo log
of an update or delete marking of a clustered index record.
@return ext_buf */
 byte* ext_buf, /*!< in: a buffer of
 ulint zip_size, /*!< compressed page size in bytes,
     or 0 for uncompressed BLOB */
 const byte* field, /*!< in: an externally stored column */
 ulint* len) /*!< in: length of field;
     out: used length of ext_buf */
 /* Fetch the BLOB. */
 ulint ext_len = btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix(
  ext_buf, REC_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN, zip_size, field, *len);
 /* BLOBs should always be nonempty. */

(and a bunch more stuff to read/write undo log)

 /* In the case of a delete marking, and also in the case of an update
 where any ordering field of any index changes, store the values of all
 columns which occur as ordering fields in any index. This info is used
 in the purge of old versions where we use it to build and search the
 delete marked index records, to look if we can remove them from the
 index tree. Note that starting from 4.0.14 also externally stored
 fields can be ordering in some index. Starting from 5.2, we no longer
 store REC_MAX_INDEX_COL_LEN first bytes to the undo log record,
 but we can construct the column prefix fields in the index by
 fetching the first page of the BLOB that is pointed to by the
 clustered index. This works also in crash recovery, because all pages
 (including BLOBs) are recovered before anything is rolled back. */