Comment 0 for bug 685701

Revision history for this message
Patrick Crews (patrick-crews) wrote :

For this MySQL table:
NOTE the colums float2 and float2_1:

CREATE TABLE float_table(description TEXT,
col_float_unsigned float unsigned,
col_float0 float(0),
col_float1 float(1),
col_float2 float(2,0),
col_float2_1 float(2),
col_float float,
col_float_5_2 float(5,2),
col_float_23 float(23,1),
col_float_not_null float NOT NULL,
col_float_default_null float DEFAULT NULL,
col_float_default float(5,2) DEFAULT 999.99

We get this Drizzledump output:
NOTE how we lost precision information for float0,float1, and float2_1.

CREATE TABLE `float_table` (
  `description` TEXT COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float_unsigned` FLOAT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float0` DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float1` DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float2` DOUBLE(2,0) DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float2_1` DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float` DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float_5_2` DOUBLE(5,2) DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float_23` DOUBLE(23,1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float_not_null` DOUBLE NOT NULL,
  `col_float_default_null` DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL,
  `col_float_default` DOUBLE(5,2) DEFAULT '999.99'
) ENGINE='InnoDB' COLLATE='utf8_general_ci';