Comment 5 for bug 619492

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Patrick Crews (patrick-crews) wrote :


I was able to crash my server pretty easily with the randgen command line shown above.

You will some of this output you mention as we'll have 5 threads competing to do the exact same thing - some collisions are expected.

It might be you need to up the value of --queries in order to give your box more of a chance to hit a juicy, crashing collision : )
./ --dsn=dbi:drizzle:host=localhost:port=9306:user=root:password=:database=test --threads=5 --queries=1000 --engine=Innodb --gendata=conf/drizzle/drizzle.zz --grammar=conf/drizzle/drizzledump.yy --Validator=Drizzledump --queries=50

You could probably go up to --queries=100 or even 200 if you aren't seeing it at 50. You could also add in --seed=time to randomize the queries generated + data to see about hitting something.

I've added the debug switch to the command line as it will help indicate whether or not Drizzle has crashed. The randgen isn't currently as informative as it should be with Drizzle (works far better on MySQL). As a result, we have to manually check for crashes : (

What debug does is print out each query executed and collects various randgen statistics during the run. At the end of the run, you'll see output as noted here:

If you have debug on and you *don't* see this output, it is indicative that you have a crash. You can then call gdb against the server and see what kind of havok you have managed to wreak on the server : )

Thanks for the help. I hope this information helps and just let me know if I can do anything else.