Comment 0 for bug 1864537

Revision history for this message
hilaire (hilaire-fernandes) wrote :

When the user wants to edit a script and when clicking on a script there is this error.

The method methodsIn: contains a lot of broken code now: #wrapper and #defaultPane are now unknown messages :(

methodsIn: composite
 composite wrapper title: 'Methods' translated;
  show: [ :wrapper |
   wrapper fastList
    display: [ :aClass | aClass methods collect: [ :m | m asRingDefinition ]];
    format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
 composite wrapper title: 'Script data' translated;
  show: [ :wrapper |
   wrapper fastList
    display: [ :aClass | aClass class methods collect: [ :m | m asRingDefinition ]];
    format: [ :aCompiledMethod | aCompiledMethod selector asString ] ].
  updateOn: MethodModified from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ];
  updateOn: MethodAdded from: [ SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance ].
 composite onChangeOfPort: #activePresentation act: [ :presentation |
  (presentation pane port: #activePresentation) value ifNotNil: [ :activePresentation |
   ((browser paneNamed: #methods) port: #selection) value: (activePresentation defaultPane port: #selection) value ] ].