Comment 2 for bug 951305

Revision history for this message
Noam Yorav-Raphael (noamraph) wrote : Re: Variables: File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 556, check_autocomplete(self=DreamPie(path..."window_main"), last_char='.') {'False': False, 'True': True, 'is_auto': [], 'complete': [], 'self.autocomplete.show_completions': <bound method Autocomplete.show_completions of <dreampielib.gui.autocomplete.Autocomplete object at 0x23ff1d0>>} File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 75, show_completions(self=<dreampi...x23ff1d0>, is_auto=True, complete=False) {'index': 692, 'is_auto': True, 'res': [], 'hp': <dreampielib.gui.hyper_parser.HyperParser object at 0x2418390>, 'text': u'def kinematics():\n print "Here are your equations:"\n print "1: xf - xi = Vot + 1/2<a>t^2"\n print "2: Vf^2 = Vo^2 +2<a><xf-xi>"\n print "3: Vf = Vo + <a>t"\n print "4: xf - xi = ((Vf-Vo)/2)*t"\n choice = raw_input("which equation do you want to use? ")\n choice = int(choice)\n if choice == 1:\n x = raw_input("which variable do you want to solve for? ")\n if x == "xf":\n xi = raw_input("enter xi ")\n xi = int(xi)\n Vo = raw_input("enter the initial velocity ")\n Vo = int(Vo)\n t = raw_input("enter t ")\n t = int(t)\n a = "enter the acceleration (careful..\n ', 'self._complete_attributes': <bound method Autocomplete._complete_attributes of <dreampielib.gui.autocomplete.Autocomplete object at 0x23ff1d0>>} File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 136, _complete_attributes(self=<dreampi...x23ff1d0>, text=u'def ki... ', index=692, hp=<dreampi...x2418390>, is_auto=True) {'hp.get_expression': <bound method HyperParser.get_expression of <dreampielib.gui.hyper_parser.HyperParser object at 0x2418390>>, 'comp_what': []} File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 141, get_expression(self=<dreampi...x2418390>) {'ValueError': <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 556, in check_autocomplete self.autocomplete.show_completions(is_auto=True, complete=False) File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 75, in show_completions res = self._complete_attributes(text, index, hp, is_auto) File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 136, in _complete_attributes comp_what = hp.get_expression() File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 141, in get_expression raise ValueError("get_expression should only be called if index "\ ValueError: get_expression should only be called if index is inside a code.

Here's the original content of the subject (next time, please paste the stuff into the content of the message - when it's in the subject, newlines go away)

Variables: File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 556, check_autocomplete(self=DreamPie(path..."window_main"), last_char='.') {'False': False, 'True': True, 'is_auto': [], 'complete': [], 'self.autocomplete.show_completions': <bound method Autocomplete.show_completions of <dreampielib.gui.autocomplete.Autocomplete object at 0x23ff1d0>>} File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 75, show_completions(self=<dreampi...x23ff1d0>, is_auto=True, complete=False) {'index': 692, 'is_auto': True, 'res': [], 'hp': <dreampielib.gui.hyper_parser.HyperParser object at 0x2418390>, 'text': u'def kinematics():\n print "Here are your equations:"\n print "1: xf - xi = Vot + 1/2<a>t^2"\n print "2: Vf^2 = Vo^2 +2<a><xf-xi>"\n print "3: Vf = Vo + <a>t"\n print "4: xf - xi = ((Vf-Vo)/2)*t"\n choice = raw_input("which equation do you want to use? ")\n choice = int(choice)\n if choice == 1:\n x = raw_input("which variable do you want to solve for? ")\n if x == "xf":\n xi = raw_input("enter xi ")\n xi = int(xi)\n Vo = raw_input("enter the initial velocity ")\n Vo = int(Vo)\n t = raw_input("enter t ")\n t = int(t)\n a = "enter the acceleration (careful..\n ', 'self._complete_attributes': <bound method Autocomplete._complete_attributes of <dreampielib.gui.autocomplete.Autocomplete object at 0x23ff1d0>>} File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 136, _complete_attributes(self=<dreampi...x23ff1d0>, text=u'def ki... ', index=692, hp=<dreampi...x2418390>, is_auto=True) {'hp.get_expression': <bound method HyperParser.get_expression of <dreampielib.gui.hyper_parser.HyperParser object at 0x2418390>>, 'comp_what': []} File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 141, get_expression(self=<dreampi...x2418390>) {'ValueError': <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>} Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 556, in check_autocomplete self.autocomplete.show_completions(is_auto=True, complete=False) File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 75, in show_completions res = self._complete_attributes(text, index, hp, is_auto) File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 136, in _complete_attributes comp_what = hp.get_expression() File "/usr/share/dreampie/dreampielib/gui/", line 141, in get_expression raise ValueError("get_expression should only be called if index "\ ValueError: get_expression should only be called if index is inside a code.