Comment 3 for bug 891716

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Anders Logg (logg) wrote : Re: [Bug 891716] Re: Unit tests fail to run if Trilinos is installed but not PETSc

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:24:56PM +0100, Andre Massing wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/17/2011 09:40 PM, Anders Logg wrote:
> > Looks like the only remaining thing is periodic BC not working
> > with Trilinos. From running the periodic demo:
> >
> > Error: Unable to add block of values to Epetra matrix. *** Reason:
> > Did not manage to perform Epetra_FECrsMatrix::SumIntoGlobalValues.
> > *** Where: This error was encountered inside EpetraMatrix.cpp.
> >
> I wrote a somewhat lengthy email about that, explaining what goes
> wrong and asking for opinons... you have even replied to it :)

I know and I've read it carefully!

I think I responded and said that this needs to be addressed by
incorporating boundary conditions into the FunctionSpace by
implementing constrained spaces. I even linked to a blueprint.

Bottom line: we won't fix this now so I'll add a check in that demo
that it doesn't work with Epetra.


> The bottom line is that there are several related issues:
> 1. The sparsity pattern does not consider PeriodicBC thus there will
> be an error in Trilinos when copying a slave row to a master row since
> the matrix is filled / finalized.
> 2. Dirichlet and PeriodicBC calling and matrix.apply() while applying
> bc. Every such call triggers a finalization of the matrix atm.
> 3.
> (which for some reason does not show up in the bug overview, neither
> has been sent to the list, strange.)
> See the original post
> for a more detailed explanation.
> The point is that it seems like a more fundamental problem where I
> haven't dared to dirty-hack around without opinions from the devs
> /maintainers :)

> - --
> Andre
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