Comment 12 for bug 1016540

Revision history for this message
Kenneth Hoste (kenneth-hoste) wrote :

I've been working on this together with Jens.

We've managed to fix the failed CHOLMOD and UMFPACK test runs by checking the CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log log file, which mentioned not being able to find the UFconfig.h include file.

This could be fixed by supplying the include directory where UFconfig.h is located on the cmake command line:

cmake <other options> -DUMFPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS="/path/to/SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/include;/path/to/SuiteSparse/UFconfig" -DCHOLMOD_INCLUDE_DIRS="/path/to/SuiteSparse/CHOLMOD/include;/path/to/SuiteSparse/UFconfig"

Maybe we ran into this because we're using SuiteSparse, which we installed in a non-default path, to resolve the CHOLMOD and UNFPACK dependencies.

We haven't tested with the development version of DOLFIN, and we won't for now. Getting DOLFIN v1.0.0 to build was already quite a challenge.

To put things in perspective: we've added support for building DOLFIN and all its dependencies with a single command in EasyBuild (see The DOLFIN support will be released as part of v0.9, but is already available in the develop branch of EasyBuild now. This support allows us to build DOLFIN both with a GCC and Intel-based compiler toolkit.

Maybe it's worth for you guys to look into EasyBuild, and mention it to DOLFIN users as a very easy way to build DOLFIN without much hassle. Given the dependency graph of DOLFIN (see, this is not exactly easy...