Comment 31 for bug 511511

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Robert Dyer (psybers) wrote :

Let me be quite blunt about why this bug is not fixed in Docky. I believe it is either a problem with Nautilus or whatever session manager you use. Here is my logic.

The bug only happens when Docky auto-starts, usually via a session manager (gnome-session, etc). Docky will inherit the environment *at the point it starts*. Thus, I believe the issue is that something in the environment is not set prior to Docky auto-starting and Nautilus will not work (without an explicit path passed in!) without whatever that missing environment is.

So either, Nautilus has a bug and needs to be smarter and start without that environment (seems reasonable to me... if I ask Nautilus to start, why won't it show a window??).

Or you need a session manager smart enough to order the startup such that Docky starts after whatever starts that sets up that missing environment.

In either case, there is nothing Docky can do. I have been kind enough to not mark this a Invalid/WontFix, mostly so it shows up in our bug list. But basically I consider it a non-Docky bug and thus it is out of my hands.

PS, this logic applies to any app having this issue such as Plank and Slingshot.

I mean think about it people, Docky (plank/slingshot) is running the command 'nautilus' (and you can indeed verify it runs this, and Nautilus just exits). What more can we possibly do?