
Comment 45 for bug 379747

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lifestream (lifestream) wrote :

Not calling anyone a liar, just stating a problem and I the posters above seem to have.
I'm sure I'm speaking for all who posted above, that we really do appreciate the work the devs put into this amazing Do and Docky. It's been a joy to use since they came out.

I am running:
Docky 2.0.0-Alpha-1

That's Docky 2, right?
I didn't have that AllowWindowOverlap in /apps/gnome-do/preferences/Docky/Utilities/DockPreference nor any other place Gnome-Do or Docky are mentioned. So I added it with a boolean value of true.

That's not much work at all, it's not a bother at all!

But the problem is, the Docky (or Gnome-Do, whichever I run) *still* doesn't show the Dock above all windows.
Intelihide + Fade, right?

I didn't think you were a liar at all, I'm just trying to figure this weird problem out.