
Comment 7 for bug 329501

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Alwin Garside (yogarine) wrote :

I agree with the "you need to reproach the problem" part, but not with the "it shouldn't be done" part. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to implement a feature in a less-than-ideal fashion just for the sake of learning and getting feedback on what would be the best way to implement it.

After all, GNOME Do is still in beta state (0.8 mean beta to me). So there's no shame in experimenting at times.
That's also the way Pidgin introduces most of it's UI features. They put in something experimental, then there is some feedback from the users. They modifications according to feedback so everybody (or at least most people) end up liking it. And the final result is a well polished and thought out feature. That's the way free software development works best, and is most innovative.

If you just say "no way" from the start, then you're just throwing a perfectly valid idea out of the window.