
Comment 10 for bug 326661

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Jonathan Austin (mailforwho) wrote :

I'm using Metacity. BUT when I use xfwm4 I get the opposite behavior. For metacity the .Reverse() seems to mess things up, for xfwm4 it fixes what would otherwise be broken.

I'm doing:
$killall metacity; sleep 2;xfwm4; metacity --replace
to toggle window managers (and killing xfwm4 with ctrl+c in the terminal to go back to metacity)

Changing the delay just lets me be confused more slowly... ;) Even without changing the delay I can see the windows being rendered one by one (first forwards, then backwards :) - that's what made me look to remove the reverse in the frist place.

The 'bring to front' (as opposed to restore) code works for either WM. (ie when the windows aren't minimised it doesn't matter which WM I am using, I still get the top window staying on top)

Can anyone else verify this? Is my metacity being different?