
Comment 15 for bug 271567

Revision history for this message
Jestin Stoffel (jestin) wrote :

I've had the same problem, and here is my stderr output at the time of the crash:

Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: Message body length mismatch: 15936 of expected 16579
at NDesk.DBus.Connection.ReadMessage () <0x00565>
at NDesk.DBus.Connection.Iterate () <0x00019>
at <Init>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (intptr,NDesk.GLib.IOCondition,intptr) <0x0002a>
at (wrapper native-to-managed) <Init>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (intptr,NDesk.GLib.IOCondition,intptr) <0x00049>
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application.gtk_main () <0x00004>
at Gtk.Application.Run () <0x00007>
at Do.Do.Main (string[]) <0x001d3>

In addition, I was capturing all stdout when running with the --debug option, and this was the last thing to log before the crash:

[Debug 10:16:19.927] Retrieved 85 contacts
[Debug 10:18:17.018] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Applications"...
[Debug 10:18:17.087] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Special Locations"...
[Debug 10:18:17.092] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Internal GNOME Do Items"...
[Debug 10:18:17.095] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Do Item Sources"...
[Debug 10:18:17.102] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Evolution Contacts"...
[Debug 10:18:17.120] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "GNOME Screenshot Items"...
[Debug 10:18:17.123] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Pidgin Buddies"...
[Debug 10:18:17.176] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Pidgin Accounts"...
[Debug 10:18:17.204] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Pidgin Statuses"...
[Debug 10:18:17.217] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Note Indexer"...

I went back into the log file I captured, and in every instance of updating "Tomboy Note Indexer" was always followed by a chat updater:

[Debug 10:00:09.341] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Tomboy Note Indexer"...
[Debug 10:00:10.763] [UniverseManager] Reloading item source "Source: Recent Chats"...

I have since disabled the Pidgin Plugin, because the crash was most likely caused by the Pidgin or Skype plugins. Although I initially expected Skype to be the culprit, it seems that Pidgin was the offender. I haven't had a crash since I stopped using the Pidgin plugin.