
Comment 5 for bug 204399

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Jonas Thorell (jthorell) wrote :

Jakub, it's in not a matter of being fair or not. Or a Gnome vs KDE thing either. It's a matter of choosing the program that works best for the given purpose, and IMO Gnome-do is right now the only serious contender if you want quicksilver-like functionality. Krunner may be aiming for the same thing but is not quite there yet, and neither is Katapult (at least not for me).

And besides, most programs work well in any environment (albeit sometimes with glitches when run in the "wrong" environment) and that's the way it should be. It's stupid if a program just refuses to work in a specific environment, and I for one am very thankful that the gnome-do developers are doing their best to make sure it runs outside of Gnome as well. And if there are some bugs that show up in KDE, xfce, fluxbox or whatever - well, that's to be expected since (I presume) that's not the environment of choice for the developers. And I'm fine with that. The bugs I've run into when using it in KDE are not showstoppers, just minor things really and some of them may be due to bugs in KDE4 as well as bugs in Kubuntu hardy (not to mention that I've just started to use gnome-do so it may be due to my inexperience in using it too).