Comment 0 for bug 272354

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Pablo Castellazzi (pcastellazzi) wrote :

window manager plugin should allow window resize, something like:

  <select window> resize <type new size in geometry format>
  resize <type new size in geometry format> <select window>

  Geometry format is the one used by all X applications WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y,
  in example, 1024x768+0+0 to get a window of 1024x768 in the top left coorner
  of your desktop.

  it alsow would be very nice to support an extended format like, WIDTHxHEIGHT=align
  being align combinations of top|bottom|left|right|centered

  and partials, like:

Also it would be nice to move window across viewports (a.k.a. as virtual desktops),
probably in the form of:

   <select window> switch <viewport number or viewport name>
  switch <select window> <viewport number or viewport name>