Comment 7 for bug 729236

Revision history for this message
Jason Gerard DeRose (jderose) wrote :

Drat! Thanks for you patience with this bug, David! And I apologize that it has dragged on for so long!

If you would be so kind, please try these 2 things:

1) Make sure all the dependencies are installed:

  sudo apt-get install desktopcouch python-couchdb python-genshi python-xdg gir1.2-gtk-2.0 gir1.2-webkit-1.0 gir1.2-appindicator-0.1 gir1.2-notify-0.7 totem libimage-exiftool-perl python-libtorrent python-boto python-gst0.10 gstreamer0.10-plugins-good

2) Try running dmedia-service from the source tree (first make the system-wide dmedia-service isn't running by going to the appindicator and clicking "Shutdown dmedia"):


If that fails to start, can you paste.ubuntu me the trace?

By the way, installing dmedia from the Novacut Daily Builds PPA can be a handy way to stay on top of dependencies changes... I'm usually pretty good about keeping dependencies current for anything that is merged to trunk -