Comment 5 for bug 692449

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Jason Gerard DeRose (jderose) wrote :

David, so I'm going to close this as Fix Released. Starting with what you had, I do have this basically working now, although because of either some issues with UDisks or the particular card readers I have, it's not really accomplishing what we wanted it to... in my case, UDisks is providing the serial number of the card reader, not the card, which is kinda lame.

I'll open another bug to address this.

Anyway, thanks again for all your work on this... when I said this was "bite-size", I don't know what I was smoking. This was "super-size" :P

Also, I pretty much left your implementation as is because I figure just in case we need to use any of this under Python2 still... and I felt a bit bad messing up your code as I stumbled through getting DBus working with PyGI.

Oh, and as we currently aren't getting a meaningful ID for a card or partition on a card, I'm not creating the drive or partition documents in CouchDB. I think we do probably want them, but I'd like to let that idea slow-roast longer, see how useful it proves once we have correct data from UDisks.