Comment 1 for bug 1536999

Revision history for this message
Derek Higgins (derekh) wrote :

On Jan 19th this patch got merged into diskimage-builder

This failed tripleo CI and probably shouldn't have been merged. The reason it failed CI is because it introduced a new shebang at the top of a python script
When delorean tried to build the package, rpm autorequires[1] couldn't find a package the satisfied the requirement(there is no such package), the requirement is met when DIB is run.

Once this was merged delorean could no longer build diskimage-builder from this point on all tripleo-ci runs for diskimage-builder failed (delorean couldn't build the package)

On Jan 21st the RDO community merged an update to their packaging (as they noticed dib was unable to build),
This filtered out the autorequires so it wasn't search for during the rpm build

Now the package can be built but instack is still failing as DIB is run twice, the symlink being created in 01-dib-python already exists the second time.
