Comment 6 for bug 1954954

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invernosantigos (invernosantigos) wrote :

   Yeah, again, stopped booting. It lasted exactly 10 days. It's always 10 days, I don't know why -- some auto-update or auto-clean setting or something, maybe. But if that were all, it would at least be possible to start it manually in the terminal, which never happens, and you still can't start it stably without the screen command ( screen -d -m didon ), as I said before . And I had to repeat the previous success ritual: Purge on Zeitgeist and reinstall that Zeitgeist. When trying to start manually via the terminal, the system specifically responds that there is no such zeitgeist-daemon installed. There's a great clue! But to test properly, this time I purged and reinstalled just zeitgeist-datahub, to verify that the corrupted settings are not in it, and it DID NOT work. Purge & Reinstall, for now, has to be on Zeitgeist itself. Next time, I'll just try zeitgeist-core, to check if the corrupted settings are in it. Maybe it's better to think of something like creating "safe settings" with some kind of guarantee. If you give me where is the "zeitgeist.conf", or something like that, if it exists; I can copy it before reinstalling, and send it to you next time. And let's see if it's ALWAYS 10 days. The next failure would then be on Jan 20th. And as there was that suggestion of yours about sudo, which apparently has nothing to do with it, if you send me the location of "zeitgeist.conf", as a guarantee, I'll also check and send you its permissions. I think we are accumulating some good leads...