Comment 13 for bug 1803604

Revision history for this message
In , Bernard Moreton (bernard-moreton-1) wrote :

The uploaded revision of SENDDOC works ok on my system (LO, Ubuntu 18.04.1) when Tools, Options, Internet, Email E-mail program is left blank, or filled as /usr/bin/xdg-email.

The URI syntax "file://" for attachments does not work with (most?) system email clients; and I have left comments at lines 109, 380, and 443, where I doubt whether this syntax is appropriate for thunderbird, Mail or Thunderbird, or for DESKTOP_LAUNCHER.
All instances need review however.

I've tested a call using /usr/bin/xdg-open in my configuration setting. This has the same problem as I had with xdg-email, ie Sending a file by email opened my email client, but without focus, and no compose window appeared.
I conclude that the URI syntax is unreliable, and that a simple filename reference should therefore be preferred.
I have not implemented that in my uploaded revision of SENDDOC!

On a LINUX system, the clients provided for in SENDDOC should all be ok (I think) when AppArmor is not in use.

Where AppArmor is in use, and there is a policy set for SENDDOC, then I suggest that
(a) the Options-Internet-Email program should not allow input, but perhaps should show the system default email client; and
(b) to avoid problems, the call to SENDDOC should not pass any client identification.