Comment 36 for bug 1069757

Revision history for this message
Rik Shaw (rik-shaw) wrote :

Here is my reply on (next time I'll reply here first as I see it will then send the comment over there):

Regarding using the native LO Dialogs, they do not provide "sidebar access" to pinned (or "mounted") Samba shares, so the user can only find these shares by manually navigating to the ".gvfs" folder and then to the share. Note that as far as I can tell there is not the option with these LO Dialogs to "show hidden directories" so the only way to even see the .gvfs folder is to manually type it in the location bar.

In summary, since "mounted devices" aren't shown in the LO Dialogs there doesn't seem to be an easy way to test these dialogs for the same situation. As noted earlier, in the standard dialogs it is possible to save correctly by manually navigating to the .gvfs folder.