Comment 9 for bug 1735097

Revision history for this message
Tobias Brox (c-tobias) wrote :

Still no dice for me. Weird.

Here is the cloud-config - copied directly from this time, even without replacing the password "password".

    $ cat > devstack-userdata.yaml

      - default
      - name: stack
        lock_passwd: False
        sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL\nDefaults:stack !requiretty"]
        shell: /bin/bash

      - content: |
            DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get -qqy update || sudo yum update -qy
            DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get install -qqy git || sudo yum install -qy git
            sudo chown stack:stack /home/stack
            cd /home/stack
            git clone
            cd devstack
            echo '[[local|localrc]]' > local.conf
            echo ADMIN_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
            echo DATABASE_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
            echo RABBIT_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
            echo SERVICE_PASSWORD=password >> local.conf
        path: /home/stack/
        permissions: 0755

      - su -l stack ./

Here is how I launched the VM:

    $ openstack server create --os-cloud=ms1-test --image ubuntu16.04 --flavor large --key-name someprivatekey --nic net-id=3d2ec639-098b-47f8-896c-bc67cf321a2b --user-data=devstack-userdata.yaml devstackubuntu --availability-zone osl3
    | Field | Value |
    | OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
    | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone | osl3 |
    | OS-EXT-STS:power_state | NOSTATE |
    | OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
    | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
    | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at | None |
    | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at | None |
    | accessIPv4 | |
    | accessIPv6 | |
    | addresses | |
    | adminPass | aB6ZSw6hWa9T |
    | config_drive | |
    | created | 2018-03-19T13:17:08Z |
    | flavor | large (09003000) |
    | hostId | |
    | id | 63eb7cfa-acf4-4b09-b9c3-e09af5fb1c9e |
    | image | ubuntu16.04 (27f79cf0-5b3d-4dea-9e67-45d98ee92c36) |
    | key_name | someprivatekey |
    | name | devstackubuntu |
    | progress | 0 |
    | project_id | 2b633b0b2ca84e748e37b0b12bbb81fc |
    | properties | |
    | security_groups | name='default' |
    | status | BUILD |
    | updated | 2018-03-19T13:17:09Z |
    | user_id | f0a681996f5c6b1b423cfa5da75bb534f2a9ef29dce4a96c9e8b9d1de630c3b4 |
    | volumes_attached | |

I will attach the log shortly.