Comment 16 for bug 418428

Revision history for this message
Tom Louwrier (tom-louwrier) wrote :

Well it's not getting any better.
Plugging in the charger keeps giving a spike in the registered rate that is about exactly 10 times that of the value just before and after.
The battery used to start charging normally every once in a while, so plugging/unplugging could reset the 'battery charged' status. Now it does not do that anymore: it goes to fully charged state regardless of the % of charge left in the battery and stays there.
Whether the battery actually gets charged seems totally random. I have seen it stay on 8% for more than a day, or it starts going up right away, although the official status is 'charged'. When it completely refuses to charge I have to plug in another identical charger to break the lock-up. Once it is charging again, I -usually, not always- can use my own charger to continue.

Also I have seen the charge stop going up at values like 80%, 87% etc. Sometimes it just takes it up to 97% after which it jumps to 100% and seems happy.
In all cases it certainly does not update the statistics, as seen by the charge accuracy graph which does not increase to 100%. The discharge accuracy graph has done so allright.

All 'n all pretty annoying for laptop use, this unpredictable behaviour.
