Comment 2 for bug 2027692

Revision history for this message
zilti (dziltener) wrote :

Yes, the following is what I am running:

openstack recordset create --type TXT --record '"v=DKIM1; t=s;p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4LGnxmlCXTNzKVtQw54d+SlAhroC156a2/NggZopQKqRKijW7T6exPtCzY6pLOBYhiV8mx5zsMFbDYgdzH/gXyFEp4Q2lNwwI4OdRo3WH4GY1m3l6on4KLxYtfJUtVowrsQgaJrU7+7fCSBEEJRp" "N/AlX3fb9/Qw8SQy6UxOCaDi11ZBTxnil1Y6JMfAAZdnelGiO+W28AGe+GVUxz3FneCjM1g0JOlR8z8z9MebMToIryQJuZV0Q///GgJrMX8BLR0IvcMarAflrIyCCN6MmyDtc0XPmGsj4ZMrTtKqVWiVQbUMI/RMNjurKVqgpEK4Lk4JB11299zlFF3urv2FsQIDAQAB"' 20230702._domainkey

The response to that is:

Provided object is not valid. Got a InvalidObject error with message Quotation marks should be escaped with backslash.

What version my hoster is running I do not know; my best guess due to what they are linking to on their documentation page is Victoria.