Comment 1 for bug 1532735

Revision history for this message
Graham Hayes (grahamhayes) wrote :

    ➜ designate git:(master) tox -e py27 -- designate.tests.test_central.test_service.CentralServiceTest.test_count_zones
    Captured stderr:
        /home/graham/repos/github/openstack/designate/.tox/py27/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/ SAWarning: The IN-predicate on "" was invoked with an empty sequence. This results in a contradiction, which nonetheless can be expensive to evaluate. Consider alternative strategies for improved performance.
          'strategies for improved performance.' % expr)

    {1} designate.tests.test_central.test_service.CentralServiceTest.test_count_zones_policy_check [9.331709s] ... ok
    Slowest Tests
    Test id Runtime (s)
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------
    designate.tests.test_central.test_service.CentralServiceTest.test_count_zones 9.345
    designate.tests.test_central.test_service.CentralServiceTest.test_count_zones_policy_check 9.332

    Ran: 2 tests in 15.0000 sec.
     - Passed: 2
     - Skipped: 0
     - Expected Fail: 0
     - Unexpected Success: 0
     - Failed: 0
    Sum of execute time for each test: 18.6770 sec.

    Worker Balance
     - Worker 0 (1 tests) => 0:00:09.345302
     - Worker 1 (1 tests) => 0:00:09.331709

I have not used the file based method of picking tests - I use the above syntax. The test was also renamed to test_count_zones after the big rename.