Comment 10 for bug 158435

Revision history for this message
danh (danh-archive) wrote :

Contrary to prior, per Raj, the best way to deal with *_files.xml is to handcraft it to include just the orig_jp2.tar, the, and the *_meta.xml. So did that (through dom), and will confirm with him this is correct. [The idea is to give the deriver just enough info, and it can patch the *_files.xml further as needed, iiuc, but perhaps there are other details here that i'm missing.]

Also learned from Marcus who eyed the spec better than me that it is the control number we need, not a catalog number; this is indeed available in our marc for the NY Times. Per Marcus, other partners will have their own control numbers, not necessarily LOC. We'll try to stub that case reasonably for now, and flesh it out when we start processing their reels, depending on what they want.

The code as it stands is checked in as version 1.3 (petabox/www/common/

Any feedback from anybody is welcome, especially if you see any problem with all of this.