Comment 0 for bug 859884

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MB (l-mao-d) wrote :

1. Ubuntu 10.10
2. deja-dup 18.1.1-0ubuntu1.1~maverick1
    duplicity 0.6.10-0ubuntu1
3. -- cannot provide this file, my gsettings does not know a list-recursively command--
4. see attachment

I am trying to backup some directories which contain square brackets in their absolute paths, e.g. "/home/User/[Games]/".
The directory of concern is several gbits in size. When i start the backup-procedure i only tales a couple of seconds and deja-dup tells me it's done. When i look into the target directory(where the backup should be written to) i find a manifest and two files which are only a few kbits in size though.

I have come to the conclusion that this might be somehow connected with the square brackets in the paths since i was perfectly able to backup directories that did not contain any special characters in their paths.