Comment 1 for bug 494645

Revision history for this message
Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

Frank, can you please include the following information for the fastest resolution to the problem:

1. The file /tmp/deja-dup.log after running the following line and replicating the problem:
    DEJA_DUP_DEBUG=1 deja-dup | tail -n 200 > /tmp/deja-dup.log

2. The file /tmp/deja-dup.gconf after running the following line:
    gconftool-2 --dump /apps/deja-dup > /tmp/deja-dup.gconf

3. The version of deja-dup and duplicity:
    dpkg-query -W deja-dup duplicity

4. The distribution of Linux you're using (you said Jaunty, right?):
    lsb_release -d