Comment 23 for bug 490188

Revision history for this message
Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

So to follow up on some previous conversations here. In Deja Dup 24.0 (first used in Ubuntu 12.10), we added a couple features that should help with this bug.

Deja Dup does now verify the backup a little bit. It tries to restore a tiny test file it inserts into every backup. And every two months, it does the same thing, but without any local cache or saved passwords (i.e. it prompts the user again -- largely just to remind them of what it is before the need it in a restore situation). So the verification story is slightly better. It's not foolproof, but we do something.

It also defaults to 3 months between full backups, all the time. Regardless of what your backup frequency is. This is also customizable in gsettings (change 'full-backup-period' to the number of days between backups).

With these changes, this bug could probably be considered fixed.