Comment 6 for bug 371482

Revision history for this message
Peter Schuller (scode) wrote :

Does not the speed in the original post indicate roughly 1 mbit bandwidth, meaning not that far off the 1.5 mbit theoretical bandwidth reported? Or was that really supposed to be 1.5 mBYTE (I suspected mbit since it was a cable modem).

In any case, one thing you can do if you're in Europe is to use European buckets (see --s3-european-buckets and --s3-use-new-style). Recently I've found european S3 to saturate my upstream (10-15 mbit), though in the past it has not been quite as fast as one would suspect.

Also, regarding the comparison to Jungledisk, are you using concurrent uploading support (which, IIRC, Jungledisk supports)? If so that can easily account for performance differences.

While I've successfully used the S3 backend with concurrent (more than just 1) uploads, I'm not sure whether it is actually safe. I dropped the ball on my planned conversion of these things to be concurrency-safe...