Comment 5 for bug 1818289

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John Bell (jkabell) wrote : Re: [Bug 1818289] Re: Duplicity/deja-dup will not create a backup


Thanks for still helping me with this.

Just to update you on where I am:  As it had been a month without a
backup, I gave in and bought another 1TB internal SATA drive and
formatted it as Ext4.  The first backup on this drive created a bunch of
files but then stopped with a Backup Failed message.  I checked for
advice on the internet and someone had been successful by formatting the
disk as NTFS, so I deleted the whole new drive and reformatted - a long

I then ran a backup with no encryption password and it succeeded,
creating a full backup.

Today Deja Dup attempted a backup on its original Thursday schedule
(last backup was 5 days ago and the schedule is weekly so it must be
back to its original setup)  and failed leaving me with the following

     Error creating directory /media/john/20190323 Backups: Permission

I have just followed your instruction to delete the backup encryption
password and it has just given me the same error message, not prompting
me for a password.  I will reboot and try again.  If that doesn't work I
will have to delete my last backup to create enough room on the disk
(full backup is a little under 600GB so only 400GB left) for another
full backup, which leaves me a little vulnerable, and give a new folder

Rebooting was no help.

Why is it trying to create 'directory /media/john/20190323 Backups',
have I specified the location incorrectly?  The new drive is called
'20290323 Backups' and the last full backup created no separate folder
in that drive.  The first entry in that disk is
'duplicity-full.20190323T183857Z.manifest' and the rest of the entries
are separate folders called xxxx.volNNN.difftar.gz each 52.4 MB.

I also get frequent, almost daily, Ubuntu crash reports which I seldom
got under Ubuntu 16.04.  I attach screenshots covering the whole content
of the error with all the topics compressed, but I do have separate
screenshots with full details if you think any would help.  Zeitgeist
was the prime cause of the problem on this occasion.

Thank you very much for your help.

John Bell

On 3/23/19 3:16 PM, Michael Terry wrote:
> Hello, sorry for slow response.
> Selecting 'local folder' should be fine. That seems appropriate for your
> case.
> The permission error you're getting is odd. Is the drive sometimes
> mounted differently?
> To clear out any saved password, open the "Passwords and Keys" app and
> look for the saved "Backup encryption password". Delete that and re-run
> your backup. It should prompt for the password.
> If for some reason, that still doesn't work, the worst case scenario is
> to back up to a new folder. This will create a new backup series and you
> can set a new password.
> (I'm sorry you're having these problems! Let me know if any of these
> attempts help.)