Comment 2 for bug 1818289

Revision history for this message
John Bell (jkabell) wrote : Re: [Bug 1818289] Re: Duplicity/deja-dup will not create a backup

Thanks Michael,

I am backing up to a separate 1 TB SATA drive in my desktop tower
directly plugged to the motherboard.  I think that makes it a local
folder?  This drive has a folder 'Backups' originally created by
Deja-Dup/Duplicity when under Ubuntu 16.04 and I select that as the
location for my backups.  If I just call out the drive and not the
folder Deja-Dup/Duplicity will try to make a full backup on the drive
outside that folder and runs out of room as it ignores the previous backups.

The rest of this may be over-kill, but for completeness this is what I have:

The drive being backed up where the OS and Home folder reside is a
separate SATA

This computer also has a solid state 128 GB drive with Windows which I
do not back up.

History:  I upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 some months ago and ran
into a load of problems mainly from programs that no longer ran but I
managed to resurrect over time.  Wine became, and remains, a real
problem and some of my old Windows programs became unusable including a
PaperPort/Nuance program essential to read some old ScanSoft data which
is serious to me because I neglected to convert their oddball files to
pdf while I could under Ubuntu 16.04.  But that is not relevant. *I
ended up backing up and reinstalling Ubuntu 18.04 completely ending up
with odd partitioning which I think is limiting my ability to handle
large files - a separate issue I need help on maybe as a separate

Thanks again, Michael.

John Bell

On 3/4/19 10:04 PM, Michael Terry wrote:

> Hello! Sorry for slow response.
> 1) the error message from duplicity indicates a bad encryption password.
> 2) The settings you posited are confusing. The settings indicate that
> you are backing up to a local folder. But your error messages indicate
> that you’re backing up to a pluggable drrive. Which is the reality?