Comment 8 for bug 1108726

Revision history for this message
Naël (nathanael-naeri) wrote :

As far as I understand, Déjà-Dup's integration in Nautilus is provided by in /usr/lib/[x86_64-linux-gnu]/nautilus/extensions-3.0 (exact path depending on Déjà-Dup version).

Would this library work the same with Nemo, or has Nemo diverged too much from Nautilus for that? I haven't found where Nemo looks for extensions: is there a similar directory? If there is, someone using Nemo please copy or symlink to and see if it works. There are two things to check: "Restore Missing Files..." and "Revert to Previous Version..."

I have also not found any Nemo documentation about extension development, so I wouldn't know what's the best practice Nemo developers recommend for adding functionality to their file manager. Someone please point me to such documentation if it exists.

In the meantime, the nemo_action tricks mentioned above in comments 3 4 5 look like good workarounds that anyone can place in their /usr/share/nemo/actions/ (system-wide) or ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/ (user-specific). Also see for syntax and documentation if needed.

Note that a previous attempt at adding Nemo support in Déjà-Dup was turned down by the main developer, see for reasons. Also Déjà-Dup officially only supports GNOME and Unity (and unofficially MATE but only because their file manager apparently looks for extensions in the same directory than Nautilus does, at least for now).